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" To pass our tedious hours away We throw a merry main, Or else at serious ombre play: But why should we in vain Each other's ruin thus pursue? We were undone when we left you — With a fa, la, la, la, la. "
Poétique anglaise - Página 286
por Albin-Joseph-Ulpien Hennet - 1806
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The Naval Chronicle, Volume 2

James Stanier Clarke, Stephen Jones, John Jones - 1799 - 718 páginas
...Each other's ruin thus pursue ? We were undone when we left you. But now our fears tempestuous grow, And cast our hopes away ; Whilst you, regardless : Perhaps permit some happier man, To kiss your haiid, or flirt your fan. When any mournful tune you hear That dies in ev'ry note ; As if it sigh'd...
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Specimens of the Later English Poets: With Preliminary Notices, Volume 1

Robert Southey - 1807 - 512 páginas
...other's ruin thus pursue ; We were undone when we left you. VIII. But now our fears tempestuous grow, And cast our hopes away ; Whilst you, regardless To kiss your hand, or flirt your fan. With a Fa, &c. IX. When any mournful tune you hear, That dies in every note ; As if it sigh'd with each man's...
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Selection of Poems ...

Charles Snart - 1808 - 506 páginas
...Each other's ruin thus pursue ? We were undone when we left you. But now our fears tempestuous grow, And cast our hopes away, Whilst you, regardless of...happier man To kiss your hand, or flirt your fan. When any mournful tune you hear, That dies in ev'ry note, As if it sigh'd with each man's care, For...
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Essays on Song-writing: With a Collection of Such English Songs as are Most ...

John Aikin - 1810 - 508 páginas
...ruin thus pursue ? We were undone when we left you. Whh a fa, &c. But now our fears tempestuous grow, And cast our hopes away ; Whilst you, regardless To kiss your hand, or flirt your fan. With a fa, &c. . When any mournful tune you hear, That dies in ev'ry note ; As if it sigh'd with each man's care,...
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The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper: Waller, Butler ...

Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 654 páginas
...pursue ? We were undone when we left you. With a fa, &c. Bat now our fiears tempestuous grow, Anfi cast our hopes away ; Whilst you, regardless of To kiss your hand, or flirt your fan. With a fa, ic. When any mournful tune you hear, That dies in every note; As if it sigh'd with each man's care,...
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Essays on Song-writing: With a Collection of Such English Songs as are Most ...

John Aikin, Robert Harding Evans - 1810 - 414 páginas
...fa, &c. But now our fears tempestuous grow, And cast our hopes away ; Whilst you, regardless of qur woe, Sit careless at a play : Perhaps permit some...kiss your hand, or flirt your fan. ? . With a fa,, &c. When any mournful tune you hear, That dies in ev'ry note ;, As if it sigh'd with each man's care,...
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Elegant extracts in poetry, Volume 2

Elegant extracts - 1816 - 490 páginas
...when we left you, With a fa, tec. But now our fears tempestuous grow. And casl our hopes away ; Whilsl you, regardless of our woe, Sit careless at a play...To kiss your hand, or flirt your fan, Wi'th a fa, 8fc. When any mournful tune yon hear, • That dies in ev'ry note ; As if it sigh'd with each man's...
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The New Monthly Magazine and Humorist, Volume 50

1837 - 604 páginas
...flirt, has yet another signification, — namely, " to move with a quick pace," as, for instance, " Permit some happier man To kiss your hand, or flirt your fan.*" As far as the kissing of hands goes, that might pass upon a foreigner ; but every Englishman knows...
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Select British Poets, Or, New Elegant Extracts from Chaucer to the Present ...

William Hazlitt - 1824 - 1064 páginas
...ruin thus pursue ? We were undone when we left you. With a fa, &c. But now our fears tempestuous grow, ove! Gaudy as the opening dawn, Lies a long and level...the wandering eye ! Deep are his feet in Towy's floo &c. When any mournful tune yon hear, That dies in every note ; As if it sigh'd with each man's care,...
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Select Poets of Great Britain: To which are Prefixed, Criticial Notices of ...

William Hazlitt - 1825 - 600 páginas
...our fears tempestuous grow, And east our hopes away; Whilst you, regardless of our woe, Sit eareless &e. When any mournful tune you hear, That dies in every note ; As if it sigh'd with eaeh man's eare...
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